• It usually takes between 3-5 sessions depending on aftercare, the client’s skin type, and how much SMP needs to be done.

  • SMP does not go as deep as a regular tattoo and the pain is minimal. Depending on the individual’s pain tolerance clients have gone to sleep during the procedure.

  • Depending on the degree of thinning or balding each client has based on the Savin or Norwood scale. You can expect to pay between $800-$4000 for a full procedure of scalp micro pigmentation for men or women. Most procedures cost $1600 on average. Payment will be paid out over the sessions. Payment plans available.

  • Recovery between SMP sessions is 7-10 days. Typically just keep your scalp dry for 3-4 days and avoid the extra sun during that time. If you are completely bald you’ll be given a moisturizer to keep the scalp hydrated. Every SMP session will have more in-depth pre and post-care instructions emailed before the session.

  • Those with these contraindications should speak with their artist beforehand:

    Allergic to pigmentation and makeup

    Skin disorders such as eczema or psoriasis in the area to be treated

    Under 18 years of age

    Active skin cancer in the treated area

    Experienced post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation

    Undiagnosed rashes or blisters on the treated area

    Transmittable blood conditions such as Hepatitis or HIV

    Unmanaged diabets

    Prescribed blood thinning medications

    Heart condition requiring medication


    Healing disorders

    Taking skin medications such as antasure, accutane or steroids

    Currently under or scheduled for radiotherapy or chemotherapy treatment

    Any radiotherapy or chemotherapy must be no less than 7 months ago from the date of the procedure

    Epileptic who has experienced faint spell or seizure

    Surgeries including blepharoplasty and or hair transplant in the last 6 months

    Pregnant and/or breastfeeding

    Botox / Injections in the area to be treated must be minimum of 2 weeks prior/ after procedure

    recent sunburn within 1 week

  • SMP will last between 3 - 6 years depending on lifestyle and aftercare. It can still be considered a tattoo in this regard. For example, spending a lot of time in the sun without a hat or sunblock will fade the SMP faster and require a touch-up sooner.